VEAT Association of European Ayurveda Practitioners and Therapists e.V.

for all practitioners in Germany, Austria and other European countries

Form of organisation 
registred organisation i terms of §21 BGB (professional association in terms of §5 prargraph No 5 KStG) 
President: Mark Rosenberg, 2nd: HP Anja Berger

Board of Directors: Prof. Dr. Martin Mittwede, Dr. rer. nat Ines Chyla, HP Petra Schneiderbanger, Dr. rer. nat/HP Rebecca Medda

Membership VEAT 
active members - Ayurveda practitioners, Ayurveda institutions, 
VEAT-friends - sustaining members

Scientific board 
Dr. med. Christian Kessler, Mag. Elmar Stapelfeldt (HP), Dr. S.N. Gupta, Hans H. Rhyner, Dr. med. Ludwig Kronpaß

VEAT - Association of European Ayurveda Practitioners and Therapists e.V.
An der Falkenwiese 9, D-85128 Nassenfels, Tel. +49 (0)8424 88 57 58,
Fax +49 (0)8424 88 57 59,

Martina Sofia Thurner