Membership - Ayurveda Practitioners


Ayurveda Practitioners

Membership in the VEAT is open to every Ayurveda practitioner who has attended and also internalised a comprehensive training in Ayurveda and passed a written, oral and if necessary, practical exam. The VEAT checks the required qualification of each applicant on the basis of his/her training scope and practical experience. On the one side the VEAT attaches importance to train authentic experiences and traditional knowledge; on the other side the VEAT emphasises on communicating an undogmatic, holistic and also scientific integration into our cultural, social and climatic scope.

VEAT membership is granted according to the practitioners’ field of activity: 

  • Ayurveda medicine Ayurveda manual therapy Ayurveda consultation Ayurveda health promotion and wellbeing    
  • VEAT Affiliation Criteria for Active Members      
  • VEAT Registration as Active Member  
  • VEAT friendsIf you do not use Ayurveda in your profession, but would like to support the VEAT and benefit from the manifold direct information, you can become a VEAT sustaining member. The annual fee amounts to € 50,-  


Registration as Aktive Member

Affiliation Criteria for Acitve Members

Special tariff for friends

Tariff for friends

You do not use Ayurveda in your profession, but would like to support the VEAT and benefit from the manifold direct information, you can become a VEAT sustaining member. The annual fee amounts to € 56,-

Registration as VEAT tariff for friends

Offers & Services

The VEAT presents a comprehensive range of offerings to its members:

Communication and Information 

  • Communication with experienced Ayurveda practitioners and competent specialist partners
  • Imparting regional or subject-specific inquiries
  • Member magazine “Netzwerkinfo” (engl. network info) including interesting specialist articles and information on important developments in the field of Ayurveda
  • Members’ area “my VEAT” at our homepage with a lot of information and offerings for Ayurveda practitioners



  • Advice in case of subject-specific problems, reference to specialist persons
  • Advice regarding the acknowledgement and accreditation as therapist in the corresponding country
  • Advice in founding or establishing a practice 

Advertising material
The VEAT offers its members exclusive advertising material in premium four-colour print quality, which can be ordered for own advertising purposes. The advertising material consists of business cards, letter paper, Ayurveda folders, information cards and poster preprints.

Job placement
Members receive a regular outline on all job vacancies in the field of Ayurveda. In addition, you can publish your job or “employment wanted” advertisements.

Each member receives a personal certificate of his/her VEAT membership, which is provided for the period of membership only. It serves not only as an advertisement for your practice; it also gives visible evidence of association membership and therefore functions as a quality seal for your own work with Ayurveda.

Insurance protection
German VEAT members (also in Austria) may effect a low-priced and job-related personal liability insurance.

Coordination and public relations work 
The VEAT disposes of a current list of addresses of members working in the different fields, which is being sent to interested persons and published in the Internet as well. Active public relations work with specialist articles and press releases in the popular print media as well as presence at fairs and in the Internet allows not only for addressing a large audience but also for information work.

Special further education
Members get a special price on selected advanced training and further educations.

VEAT is actively involved in the acknowledgement of Ayurveda and its associated job outlines in Europe. It commits to the improvement of educational contents and represents the Ayurvedic practitioners’ interests in politics as well as in the specialised public.

Quality assurance
By requiring comprehensive education and continued advanced training in Ayurveda and by means of guidelines for quality and ethics, the VEAT assures its members’ quality in order to strengthen the public’s confidence in Ayurvedic medicine and to offer the user a maximum guarantee as regards professional therapy. When searching for therapists more and more interested parties refer to the VEAT list of therapist and doctors.

Active members are allowed to participate in general meetings and therefore actively commit themselves to issues of the VEAT.

Membership and collaboration
The VEAT closely collaborates with various institutions and associations as for example the International Ayurveda Foundation (IAF), the Ayurveda Practitioners Association UK (, the European Academy of Ayurveda ( and FG – Umbrella Association for Counselling and Health-Promoting Professions e.V. (