Trainer requirements: Practical guideline

VEAT recommend educational institutes to place specific demands to lecturers. Among other things Ayurveda teachers should meet the following demands: 

  • Finished education in the field of Ayurveda
  • Five years of professional experience as Ayurveda practitioner in an own practice
  • You should be at an advanced training level, i.e. your knowledge should be larger than the educational content discussed within the training courses.

Quality and Ethics

All members have been trained in a reputable and comprehensive way

An important concern of the VEAT is quality. With the increasing interest in Ayurveda indicated by the western population also the number of trainings, therapies and products being offered on the market rises. This development involves major qualitative differences regarding the professional and reputable practise of therapeutic work. The need for clear qualitative attributes for Ayurveda increases not only on the practitioners’ side but also on the consumer side.   

Quality assurance is one of the main tasks of the VEAT. It stands up for the continued existence of Ayurveda and its further development and accreditation in Europe. The VEAT’s aim is that Ayurveda is practised in an authentic and quality oriented way in consideration of economic efficiency and the protection of ethical principles. 

The quality criteria determined by the VEAT guarantee the user of Ayurveda medicine that all of the VEAT members have been trained in their corresponding special field in a respectable and comprehensive manner.

Clear determinations and requirements allow for long-run quality assurance. Members of the VEAT work responsively and competently in their field of activity (medicine, therapy and healthcare) according to their qualifications. Regarding the performance of their work the members of VEAT have voluntarily committed themselves to comply with principles of quality and ethics that correspond to the holistic science and philosophy of Ayurveda.

Principles of Ethic

Fairness and Respect

  1. The members of VEAT shall acknowledge the possibilities and limitations of their actions pursuant to their expertise and forms of treatment. They work according to their qualifications and experience.
  2. VEAT members shall not diagnose except they are Ayurvedic medical practitioners with a licence to practise medicine or with anything equal which is valid for their corresponding country (for example practitioner of natural medicine). Cure cannot be promised. Ayurvedic treatments do not substitute diagnoses by a (Ayurvedic) medical doctor or practitioner of natural medicine. In case of ambiguity VEAT members shall recommend to consult a medical doctor.
  3. The members shall respect the clients’ autonomy, dignity and integrity. The relation during treatment is being reflected in a sensible way and must not be misused. Misuse in that sense starts when members forsake their treatment offers in order to pursue personal interests (emotional, economical, social, sexual interests) and to take advantage of or even affect their clients.
  4. VEAT members shall reflect upon their own work and try to enhance personal and social skills. They reconsider their moral concepts again and again and clarify their personal point of view. They are aware of the influence their personal values, perceptions and ideals have on their work. Other ideas and attitudes of their clients shall be respected.
  5. The human being shall be perceived as a unity of body, mind and spirit. Choosing the right treatment considers the client’s individual constitution and social and economical possibilities.
  6. The VEAT member’s work is characterised by tolerance, respect and transparency. Clients shall be informed frankly and openly. Clear agreements are to be made – especially about the way and limitations of treatment as well as about financial conditions.
  7. The Ayurvedic practitioner’s work facilitates the client’s self-perception and activates his/her own healing powers. It also enhances the healthy way of living in terms of disease prevention.
  8. VEAT members commit themselves to the protection of traditional values of Ayurveda as a medicine and cultural asset.
  9. No information about clients shall be passed on to third parties except the client gives his/her explicit consent. Documents or any kind of information is to be treated as confidential and shall be protected from third party access.

Quality Principles for Practitioners

Professionalism at all levels

  1. Education 
    Members of VEAT have a qualified education according to our association’s guidelines.
  2. Further professional training
    Members of VEAT commit themselves to continued advanced training according to VEAT guidelines.
  3. Responsibility 
    Members of VEAT commit themselves to meet VEAT’s demands of quality and ethics.
  4. Transparency 
    Members of VEAT inform their clients about their therapy method, remuneration and possible accreditations by health insurances.
  5. Interaction 
    Members of VEAT interact with their clients in a respectful and fair manner. At work they act in a resource-, process- and solution-oriented way.
  6. Evaluation
    Members of VEAT not only document their work, but also regularly evaluate it together with their clients. Further treatment is oriented towards these evaluation results.
  7. Networking 
    Members of VEAT collaborate with institutions and persons working in the therapeutic and medical field.
  8. Legislation
    Members of VEAT ad here to legal regulations and obligations to authorisation and report.
  9. Finances 
    Members of VEAT adapt themselves to VEAT rate recommendations.
  10. Quality 
    Members of VEAT commit themselves to control and improve their work.